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By Ed Aurelio C. Reyes
Kamalaysayan Writers and Speakers

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DAY, it has been habitually called. That's the twelfth day of June every month,
and it is usually greeted with the conspicuous display of the Philippine flag in
various sizes and materials. But, it was only on the days leading up to
"Independence Day" this year, or more precisely, in the last few
weeks, that I saw entire clusters of dozens upon dozens of standard-sized cloth
flags in many public buildings and areas, a direct result of May 28 having been
declared a year earlier by President Ramos as Philippine Flag Day.
those of us who have not been obedient to government when it insists that June
12 is Independence Day, because we refuse to ignore the important qualifier in
Aguinaldo's "Acta de Independencia" defining our status as independent
only from Spain but a protectorate -- "under the protection of the Mighty
and Humane North American Nation" -- we have had reason to celebrate June
12 as "National Flag and Anthem Day."
therefore agree to the display of the Flag in government buildings and plazas
and by many, many citizens in their own homes, vehicles and hands. But what I
saw last June 12 was an overabundance of flags fluttering from a veritable
forest of intercrowding flagpoles. The sheer number of those flags thus
clustered had the effect of devaluing each one.
the flags are not displayed in private places, it does not represent a big
number of citizens honoring our tricolor on their own volition; rather, it
displays an overzealousness on the part of government functionaries who are out
to please superiors all the way to Malacaņang at whatever price (how much does
each flag cost?), and still the effect is a devaluation of the flag itself, that
is devalued to the level of buntings. Dinaan sa dami, nabakya tuloy!
There has also been this order, with a bill filed alongside, to the effect that
the blue field in the flag should be of a lighter shade. The aim is to make it
more faithful to how Aguinaldo had ordered it designed.
if we are to be "historically faithful" to the Aguinaldo flag, we have
to remember that it provides for only eight rays in the prominently located Sun,
representing only eight of the more than a dozen provinces that first rose up
against Spain in and right after August 1896, the number eight having been taken
by Aguinaldo from the coverage of the martial law proclamation of Spanish Gov.
Gen. Ramon Blanco (otherwise, why not first seven, or first nine, or first
twelve?). Bonifacio's Katipunan Sun-flag had an indefinite number of rays,
indicating the inclusion of all "Tagalogs," which the Katipunan
officially defined as "all who are from this archipelago...therefore, be
one a Visayan, Ilocano or a Pampango he is a Tagalog just the same".
so there are those three stars that supposedly represent Luzon, Visayas and
Mindanao, as we have come to understand these three stars to mean. However, in
the Aguinaldo flag, the three stars officially represented Luzon, Panay
and Mindanao. So, do we really want to be historically- accurate, faithful to
Aguinaldo's design (and designs?)? I mean, really?
divisive aspects of the Aguinaldo flag have been part of the reason why many of
us have had the tendency to reject this flag and propose changes. But we of
Kamalaysayan have not supported the proposals for such changes; not yet anyway
(we want to focus on changing the kalooban first through the
propagation and broad adoption of the Katipunan's Kartilya ). After all,
generations upon generations of Filipinos have loved this flag, some generations
even spilling much blood for it, for this flag, for this Philippine flag with
the dark-blue field, this "historically-inaccurate" Philippine flag.
Not Aguinaldo's divisive one with the light blue field.
(Kamalaysayan Media Service)
also Rudy Liporada's
article on his touching experience with the Philippine Flag. Click here

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